Facility Design and Construction Standards
Brown Design and Construction Standards
Architects, engineers, and designers are encouraged to propose innovative and cost-effective variations that meet or exceed the standards. Any deviations during design or construction must be brought to the attention of the Brown project manager for review and written approval prior to incorporation into the project.
Consultant/Contractor Compliance Instructions
All design consultants and contractors are expected to fully review these standards as part of their services to Brown University. At each specific applicable stage of the project (SD, DD, CD, submittal, change request, other), please print and complete the Compliance Form.
For any specific sections of drawings and specifications, submittals or change requests that do not comply with the standards, the Waiver Request Form must be completed.
A Brown University Payment Application Form must be completed and accompany documents submitted for payment (if under AIA Contract).
The Brown University Change Order Request Form must be completed and signed by the contractor and reviewed by the project manager for Change Orders and Potential Change Orders.
Healthy Materials Standards
Brown University has adopted and continues to evolve its healthy materials building standards. This program is intended to eliminate certain materials with known or suspected negative impacts to human health, particularly vulnerable populations. Brown has built an interactive platform for planning, design and construction teams to identify acceptable (required/baseline) and preferred healthy materials. The University strives to select the preferred versus required (baseline) materials and teams should explore the cost/benefits of both. Any deviation from the acceptable materials will require a waiver to be signed off by The AVP of Sustainability and Resiliency. Please work with your Project Manager to navigate the Hub.