Facilities and Campus Operations
Fleet Management
The safeDRIVE Policy provides procedures and safety guidelines for faculty, staff and student use of University vehicles. Adhering to this policy enables the University to provide its auto insurance coverage for those who drive a University vehicle while conducting University business.
This policy outlines certain responsibilities and requirements for the operation of Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV) consistent with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR).
This policy outlines the responsibilities of employees, supervisors and managers with regard to drug and alcohol testing of employees in safety-sensitive positions in accordance with U.S. Department of Transportation regulations, issued under the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991.
Brown University contracts with ARI to manage the maintenance of University owned vehicles. The program is part of the University’s efforts to ensure all Brown owned vehicles are maintained properly, meet safety standards, and ensure vehicle repair budgets are used wisely.
Each department that has University vehicles is responsible for the proper maintenance of those vehicles and must designate a representative in the department to be the Departmental Vehicle Coordinator. The Department Vehicle Coordinator will be the primary contact for vehicle issues along with responsibilities for vehicle maintenance, authorized drivers and vehicle use.
The Wright Fuel Express Card program is Brown University's vehicle fuel procurement system. It is only for fuel purchases. Every University vehicle is assigned a fuel card and the card restricts purchases to individuals with a valid personal identification number (PIN). The following policies and procedures ensure the program operates effectively.