Facilities and Campus Operations

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) that the Facilities & Campus Operations Department has received from the Brown Community. 

  • Is it expected that the building managers inspect all buildings every day?

    • FM does not manage the expectations placed upon building managers.  However, building managers know their respective buildings better than anyone else.  Building managers do play an important role in identifying issues as they occur.  It is exceptionally helpful if issues are reported when identified by building occupants.  This reporting can be done by building occupants directly to FM via the PLANON system https://planon.brown.edu or by calling the Service Response Center at 863-7800.  Some Building Managers prefer to have issues reported directly to them so that they can track issues through to completion.

  • Who should public safety concerns, such as Blue Lights or Streetlights, be reported to? 

    • Blue Lights that are not working should be reported to FM Service Response by calling 863-7800.  Issues with Streetlights should be reported to the City of Providence.  Reports can be made by dialing 311 or (401) 421-2489, M-F; 8:30a-4:30p.  If possible, please provide the pole number.

  • Is FM responsible for the installation of Panic Buttons?

    • The Department of Public Safety has the responsibility for installation, testing, monitoring and responding to panic buttons.  Requests should be made to  OIT Public Safety Technology.  This is not an FM responsibility.

  • Should I contact FM via a Service Request to have a camera installed in my Department?

    • No.  Departments should work with the Department of Public Safety to assess the need for camera installations.  

  • Who is responsible for locking classroom doors?

    • The Department of Public Safety makes rounds at the close of each day to secure University controlled classrooms and spaces.  It is the responsibility of the Departments to secure their own classrooms.

  • Who is responsible for checking that doors are cleared of snow? 

    • FM staff, along with Contractor support, shovel all building entrances/exits during and after a snow storm.  However, if you should note in passing, or if you receive a report of a missed entrance/exit, please submit a request online @ https://planon.brown.edu or please call the FM Service Response Center at 863-7800.

  • Is FM responsible for issues with building Card Readers?

    • University Access Control, a subunit within OIT Public Safety Technology is responsible for the installation and proper operation of Card Readers.  Requests for repairs to card readers, as well as new installation requests, should be reported to Access Control at OIT-PSTECH-SERVICE@brown.edu.

  • What role does FM play in ensuring that card readers function correctly?

    • FM will respond to determine that the card reader is receiving the appropriate electric supply to function.  If it is determined that the actual card reader is malfunctioning, FM will then transfer that repair to Card Access.

  • Does FM provide card access approval for occupants of the building?

    • The Department housed within a particular building/department approves employee access.  Requests for employee access should be submitted to Access Control to add access to the employee identification badge used to gain access.

  • Do all Custodians have swipe access to University buildings:

    • All members of the FM team are granted the appropriate level of access to University buildings.  FM initiates a request through the Brown Card Office and determines the appropriate level of clearance for FM staff.

  • What is the process for notifying the University community of planned maintenance or testing that may affect building systems? 

    • A formal Notification is sent out to a specific list of Building Academic and Administrative Managers.  This Notification announces the planned date/time of the outage as well as noting the duration of the testing/outage.  

  • How does FM notify the campus community regarding unexpected outages and/or power surges that affect University spaces?

    • In the event of an unanticipated interruption of building systems, FM depends upon notification from building occupants by calling Service Response at 863-7800.   Oftentimes these interruptions are beyond the control of the University or the Department of Facilities Management.

  • Should FM personnel check in with the Building Manager prior to beginning a repair request received via a Service Request?

    • FM personnel are trained to check in with Building Managers upon arrival to perform work orders.  If FM personnel arrive to perform a work order and do not check in, please email FM_Facilities_Services@Brown.edu.

  • What is an acceptable timeframe to wait for a response to an OPEN work order request?

    • A PLANON email notification is sent back to the Requestor that indicates a potential start date for a repair.  If the work is not completed within that time frame, a call should be placed to FM Service Response at 863-7800.  A Service Response coordinator will reach out to the appropriate FM Supervisor to obtain an answer.  If concerns continue to exist, an email should be placed to FM_Facilities_Services@Brown.edu.

  • What is the acceptable timeframe to receive Facilities Service Request Completion notices?

    • A PLANON email notification will be sent when the technician indicates that the work is complete.  If a notification is not received on/about the estimated date of repair, please call FM Service Response so that they can obtain information on your behalf.

  • How does a member of the University community identify who the Custodian is that is responsible for their building?

  • How do building managers/occupants determine the Custodial cleaning schedule for their building?

  • Is there a way to get a schedule of when facilities personnel visit our buildings? How often do they service the bathrooms and/or kitchenette, etc.? 

    • Customers can reach out to FM-CustodialDirectors@Brown.edu  to determine what the Service Level Agreement is for their building/department as schedules and tasks vary by building.

  • Who cleans ceiling vents?

    • Ceiling vents are cleaned by Custodians.  This is considered project work and is performed on a scheduled basis as time permits.  If you deem the debris/dust on your ceiling vent is excessive please submit a Work Order through either Service Response at 3-7800 or through Planon.

  • How often are the exterior doors of University buildings cleaned?

    • Exterior doors are cleaned as needed and at the discretion of the Custodial Supervisors.  This cleaning is a dusting and clearing of surface dust and not a power washing event.  

  • Who is responsible for cleaning exterior doors of University buildings?

    • If a Department feels that the exterior door to their building needs to be power washed, a work order should be submitted via the Planon system and Division 1 will assess and respond.  

  • How frequently are entryways to University buildings cleaned?

    • Entryways to University buildings are cleaned once per shift.

  • Who inspects the work of FM Custodians?

    • FM has a Custodial Manager and Custodial Supervisors on each shift.  These Managers and Supervisors check the work of FM Custodians.  In addition, FM works in conjunction with a 3rd party Custodial consultant who performs routine review of Key Performance Indicators regarding inspections performed by Supervisors.

  • How often are interior windows cleaned within University buildings?

    • Interior windows are cleaned upon request and availability of staffing.  Departments should submit a work order through the Planon system requesting that their windows be washed.

  • Do Custodians clean the interior windows of University Buildings?

    • Yes.  Custodians clean the interior windows once the Department places a work order request for that service

  • Can a Department request to have their windows cleaned?

    • Yes.  A Department can request that their windows be cleaned by submitting a work order through the Planon system @ https://planon.brown.edu .

  • If a Department wants to have their windows cleaned how should this be requested?

  • If a Department submits a Planon work order to have windows cleaned, will there be a Sold Service Charge?

  • In buildings with window air conditioners, who ensures they are clean and have clean filters?

    • Window air conditioners are Department owned and therefore are the responsibility of the Department.  FM does not inspect window air conditioners, nor does FM perform Preventive Maintenance, cleaning or service without a Sold Service work order containing a cost center.

  • Can building managers request heat/ AC changeover schedule changes?

    • Yes.  Buildings Managers can request this change by calling the Director of Maintenance, Electrical and Plumbing at 863-7793.

  • How often are the HVAC and water filters checked and/ or changed?

    • The FM team follows a preventive maintenance schedule to track and monitor filter changes.  Generally, water filters are changed on an annual basis.  HVAC filters are inspected and changed based on cycle run times of the systems.

  • I request estimates for work but don’t receive them prior to the work starting.  How do I get an estimate for cost approval?  What happens if the work is done and the department does not receive approval of the cost?

    • If you request an estimate and members of the FM arrive to start the work prior to you receiving the estimate and approving the cost please reach out to the FM Service Response Center at 863-7800 or by emailing fm-facilities-services@brown.edu.

  • I received a completion notice but didn’t see anyone arrive.  What are the hours of operation?

    • FM is a 24/7/365 operation.  Most of our work is performed between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00.  However, depending on the nature of the request, work could also be performed on the 2nd shift, 4:30 to midnight.  

  • How do building occupants know FM vendors performing work in the building?

    • Testing work being performed by FM vendors within University buildings is sent via a notification from the Manager of Service Response.  Concerns with vendors can also be addressed by the FM Service Response Center at 863-7800.

  • Who reports blown out light bulbs and who changes them?

    • Oftentimes the building custodian will report a blown out light bulb.  Any member of the campus community can and should report that a light bulb is out by submitting a Service Request (https://planon.brown.edu).  FM Division 3 electricians replace burnt out bulbs in University fixtures, however, it is the responsibility of the user to change bulbs in lamps or other fixtures that do not belong to the University.

  • What is the best way to become informed regarding building HVAC systems within a building, particularly when there is more than one type of HVAC system in operation?

    • The best way to obtain information regarding your HVAC system is to schedule an appointment with a member of the HVAC Management team.  You can schedule this meeting by emailing FM_Facilities_Services@Brown.edu.

  • If FM can see the temperature in University spaces remotely, why are we having to put in service orders? What is the reasoning behind the remote version of HVAC?

    • FM does have the capability to adjust temperatures within many buildings remotely.  As there are approximately 10,000 controllers University wide, FM alarms critical equipment that indicates building wide failures.  It is the responsibility of the occupants to place a Service Request for individual areas.

  • Who are the members of the Planon Support Team?

    • Colin Johnson - Director of FM Systems & Services

    • Stephanie Simon - Sr Application Administrator

    • Greg Periera - Application Support Specialist

    • Sarah Vitale - Communications & Training Coordinator

  • How do I request technical support or training from the Planon Support Team?

  • What if I have questions about a planon work order or service request?

  • What is the Planon Live App?

    • The Planon live app is the new iOS app used for submitting service requests, performing dorm & summer program inspections, viewing floorplans, and much more. 

  • How do I download the Planon Live app?

    • The Planon live app should be installed on all Brown-managed iOS devices. The link to manually download the app is below. 

  • What is the URL that I need to enter to log into the planon live app?